For five years, I have lived in surrender to my heart and intuition.
With a deep calling - setting myself free from the leashes holding my light and power back
The environment most of us grow up in, is under constant stress and rush from one thing to another. Does and donts, right and wrongs. Rules and recipes for everything. Even creative processes and body movement.
From early age we are taught to hold back. The wild, innocent playfulness we are born with is being tamed through the civilising codes of social education.
Children are gradually taught to consider each natural impulse and weight its implications before allowing themselves to follow it.
«Is this really the right time to laugh, to scream, to say what I think? Can I dance, and jump now, or will I be shamed for doing so?»
- Margot Anand
This transition from childhood innocence to adult sophistication constricts our life force, creativity and authenticity.
The energy that has been locked inside you for many years can be liberated again. Throughout my own healing journey, I came to a point when I understood that digging up the dirt, embracing my deamons, shadow sides and heavy emotions, gave birth to a new path. Liberation through allowing all energies to be expressed.
«Reconnecting with what has been suppressed, wounded, not properly nurtured, and the energy that remained unawakened.»
Intuitive painting started out as my tool to reconnect to my authentic expression. I hadn’t touch a paint brush since my childhood and haven’t studied any techniques. I simply flow on the canvas like a dance, and keep on discovering how much creativity my body is holding when I let go to whatever wants to flow trough me.
I paint every day as a practice to anchor myself to the present moment. It feels like the brush strokes collects my scattered thoughts and takes me on a journey of surrendering to what is here and now.
«Less in my overthinking mind, learning how to tune to my intuition and wisdom that my body is holding »
I herby welcome you to join me out of the maze, into your own bubble of freedom and authenticity. Transforming the suppressed energy into embodiment and creativity. Where every day is a blank canvas and you are the alchemist of your life.
«Remembering the playful light that YOU are. »